– All abstracts must be saved on Microsoft Word 98 or later, in .Doc format.
– Final abstract should be prepared and mailed according to the format given below.
The text of the abstract should include the following section headings:
- “Introduction”, “Objectives”, “Methodology”, “Results” and “Conclusion”.
– The maximum word count of the abstract should be limited to 250
– Please include the e-mail address, through which the abstract review committee could communicate with you, at the bottom of the abstract.
– Please ensure that the guidelines mentioned in preparation of abstract are complied with.
Via Electronic Mail to lankaradiology@yahoo.com
Must be forwarded as an attachment addressed to the Hon. Secretary SLCR not later than 30th of June 2018.
Abstract attachment should mention title of the paper and name of the presenter
Via Post
3 copies of the abstract must reach the Secretariat, not later than 30th of June , 2018.
Mail all submissions to:
17th Annual Academic Sessions -2018,
Sri Lanka College of Radiologists,
No: 06, “Wijerama House”,
Wijerama Mawatha,
Colombo 07, Sri Lanka
Note to all Presenters:
- Presentation and display of accepted free papers at the 17th Annual Academic Sessions will ONLY be allowed on receipt of registration and payments for the sessions.
- The Organizing Committee reserves the right to amend or change any part of the submission guidelines without prior notice.
- Submitting authors are reminded that the scientific committee reserves the right to select the abstract either as a poster or as an oral presentation.
- Font -Times New Roman
- size 12
- bold
- In simple letters with appropriate capitals
- Align to the left
- One line spacing(line spacing 1.0) between the title and authors.
- Font -Times New Roman , size 12, in CAPITAL letters
- Surname first followed by initials – no space or full-stop mark between initials
In case of multiple authors
- Names of the authors are separated with a comma
- Main author is underlined
- Single space to be left between two authors
In case of multiple authors from different institutions
- Number of the relevant institution should be indicated in superscript after the last initial followed by a comma.
- No space should be left between the last initial, superscript number or comma.
- Last initial of the last author should be marked by a full-stop
- One line spacing (line spacing 1.0) between authors and institutions
- Font -Times New Roman , size 12, Italic form
- In simple letters with appropriate capitals as needed
- Mention the department followed by the institution
- Number them in multiple institutions which is used in authors as mentioned
Eg: 1.Department of Radiology, National hospital of Sri Lanka,Colombo
- Two line spacings (1.0) between the first subtopic and institutions.
- Bold simple letters with appropriate capitals (font -Times New Roman, size-12).
- Text aligned to the left.
- One line spacing( line spacing 1.0) between sub topics
- Times New Roman (font size 12).
- Text aligned to the left.
Spelling: British spelling must be used throughout the text.
Abbreviations: Should be cited in full at first occurrence except for standard abbreviations.
Non-English and Technical Terms: Should be in italics.
Units: International System of Units (SI) should be used and a space must be left between the figure and the unit (eg: 25 cm).