Dr. A.S Pallewatte (2017-2018)

Dr. A.S Pallewatte
The President
Sri Lanka College of Radiologists
It is with great humility that I commence my tenure as the President of the Sri Lanka College of Radiologists for the term 2017/18.
The College, as we know belongs to the members and therefore it nurtures upon wishes of the membership.
Members, specially those serving in the periphery, have brought in a vast amount of strength to our college in silence over the years, making it one of the strongest academic bodies in the medical field. I would definitely be successful in my endeavor if I can make those silent ideas heard and matter more.
I firmly believe, the College must take the initiative to help its members to see beyond the scope of general radiology and be armed with the knowledge of a subspeciality of their choice, which is the current international norm. Having an interest in a subspeciality is a must for any radiologist where ever they practice and it should not be a privilege limited for a few.
Members should be encouraged in radiology research and audits in addition to day to day imaging and report writing. Todays research will become tomorrows practice and audit will shape our evidence based practice.
Technical innovations and information technology specially PACS has revolutionalized radiology and elevated the radiologist to the highest position in the multidisciplinary team providing patient care.
We as the council of Sri Lanka College of Radiologists will be dedicated to organize academic events during the year to achieve above goals for the benefit our members and members to be. We hope you would continue to be with us, helping and guiding us for the betterment of radiology in our country.
It is with great humility that I commence my tenure as the President of the Sri Lanka College of Radiologists for the term 2017/18. The College, as we know belongs to the members and therefore it nurtures upon wishes of the membership. Members, specially those serving in the periphery, have brought in a vast amount of strength to our college in silence, over the years making it one of the strongest academic bodies in the medical field. I would definitely be successful in my endeavor if I can make those silent ideas heard and matter more.
I believe College must take the initiative to help our radiologists to see further beyond images in their practice and be updated with ever advancing subspecialty knowledge which is the current international norm. Having a subspeciality interest is a must of any radiologist where ever they practice and it should not be a limited privilege.
Next point we must reach beyond just imaging is in radiology research and audit. Todays research will become tomorrows practice and audit will shape our evidence based practice.
Technical innovations and information technology specially PACS has revolutionalized radiology practice and straightened radiologists’ position in multidisciplinary patient based care.
We as the council of Sri Lanka College of Radiologists will be dedicated organize academic events during the year try achieve above goals for the benefit our members and members to be. We hope you would continue to be with us, helping us and guiding us in serving our field.
Thank you
Dr. Aruna Pallewatte MBBS, MD, FRCR (Lond),
Consultant Radiologist,
Neuroradiology and MRI Section
National Hospital of Sri Lanka