Dr Shantha Hettiarachchi

It is with great pleasure and sincere gratitude that I pen this message to you as the president of the Sri Lankan College of Radiologists for the year 2023/2024. I hope to honor the trust placed in me and carry out the responsibilities of the role, striving for better radiology services in the country.
There are plenty of opportunities and challenges awaiting us in the months to come, and I am confident that the newly appointed council will rise to the occasion and surpass expectations each time.
When we consider the broad umbrella of medial studies and specialisation, radiology is seen as one of the most utilised segments of the medical paternity. Radiological information and expertise is used within many clinical fields, fields that have taken the initiative to sub-specialize in the recent past. With the intention of keeping pace with ever changing medical advancements, it is my belief that encouraging and initiating sub-specialities within the field of radiology is the next big step for us as a community. While interventional radiology, paediatric radiology, and neuroradiology have already been identified and included in the training program, we hope to introduce musculoskeletal radiology and women’s imaging as two new sub-specialities to be explored.
I implore all within the community to encourage sub-specialization to juniors and budding radiologists in order to provide for the demand the future will bring.
I would like to make mention of the evolution of artificial intelligence and its influence on the recent advancements in radiology. Artificial intelligence provides opportunity for radiology departments to not only improve, but also standardise reports on radiological investigations, and various aspects of management.
The theme for the 2024 annual academic sessions, to be held in January, is “Advances in body imaging for better patient care”. Advances in breast imaging will be discussed at a pre-congress workshop, while many foreign and local speakers will share their knowledge over the course of the academics sessions. I encourage all who are able, to be present at the event. The experience will prove to be worth it.
I humbly invite all members of the SLCR to join hands with the new council and each other, so that we may all put our best foot forward for the future of radiology in Sri Lanka.