Greetings from the 79th Korean Society of Radiology (KCR 2023) Secretariat!
May 10, 2023
Dear President Dileep Karunaratne,
Greetings from the 79th Korean Society of Radiology (KCR 2023) Secretariat!
On behalf of the Organizing Committee of KCR 2023, we are pleased to inform you that KCR 2023 will be held in Seoul, Korea from September 20 to 23, 2023.
As we recover our previous ways of life and vitality, the Organizing Committee has decided on the theme of “Exploring Beyond the Horizon” for KCR 2023. The aim is to take new steps forward and look towards the future. The Organizing Committee is designing the best possible program with high quality scientific sessions that will provide a great opportunity for all participants to keep up to date with the latest research findings.
We believe that the successful organization of AOCR 2008 as well as AOCR 2022 & KCR 2022 has paved the way for KCR to clearly demonstrate this year that it is the leading international radiology congress in Asia. We are confident that KCR 2023 will continue to strengthen the good relationship between our two societies, and offer the members of your society a valuable chance to deepen their knowledge and expertise.
In this regard, we would like to cordially ask for your support in sharing the below important information on KCR 2023 with the members of your society and encouraging them to take interest in the meeting and submit abstracts: