Prof Harsha Dissanayake
The President
Sri Lanka College of Radiologists
I am honoured, and deeply humbled, to be elected as the President of the Sri Lanka College of Radiologists, for the year 2024.
I thank the members, for the confidence and the trust you have placed in me, to steer the College in the coming year.
I will do my best to fulfill the expectations of the membership.
It is certainly not an easy task, but I am confident, that with the support of the council and all the members, we will be able to meet the challenges.
I am grateful to the past presidents, executive councils and all the members for the hard work done to bring our college to the present status.
As our theme for the year 2024, we have chosen “Advances in Medical Imaging in the Digital era: Opportunities and Challenges.”
When we consider the opportunities, new technologies play a pivotal role, improving diagnostics with the use of AI and multimodal imaging.
Subspecialties like neuroradiology, paediatric radiology and interventional radiology will come to the forefront with rapid advances and further new subspecialties will be developed.
At the same time the challenges will include increasing costs and dilemmas in resource allocation. Work force training and education and ethical considerations should also be considered.
Younger generation of radiologists will have to play a lead role in this process.
Vision for the College is rooted in fostering collaboration.
I believe that by harnessing the collective acumen and expertise of our members, we can push the boundaries of patient care, research and education in the field of Radiology in Sri Lanka.
Education lies at the heart of our mission. I am committed to working collaboratively with other colleges, academic institutions, healthcare professionals, and policymakers.
I envision engaging in outreach programs, collaborating with the media, and utilizing digital platforms to share our knowledge and inspire curiosity about the intricacies of Radiology and imaging.
I would be happy to establish international collaborations, strengthening the existing bonds, creating opportunities for our members to engage with global Radiology communities, and bringing international expertise to our local forums.
From the inception, the SLCR has steadily grown to where we are today. I urge, that we, should keep the momentum, work together with a vision, to take our college to greater heights.
In keeping up with the objectives of the college, to develop collaborations, promote research and advance the knowledge and understanding in Radiological sciences, we hope to hold the Annual Scientific Sessions in October this year.
We will have regular clinical meetings to upgrade the knowledge and to keep the membership up-to-date.
Sri Lanka Journal of Radiology, the official journal of the SLCR, is a peer reviewed journal, published bi-annually in the Sri Lanka online Journal Platform. I extend my sincere thanks to our editors and the team for the good work.
I would invite all the members and the trainees to send in their quality research findings to our own journal to be published.
We would also be thinking of work life balance and there will be events for collegiality and relaxation with social interactions in the coming year.
All these programs will be successful, with the support and dedication of each and every member of the college and as the newly elected president, I earnestly request your corporation and support towards achieving these goals.
Thank you,
Prof. Harsha Dissanayake
President – Sri Lanka College of Radiologists – 2024